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Innovate for Africa; outlining the innovative experience

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Just because you run your own business doesn't mean you are an entrepreneur. Wait oh! I know you are stunned here but you can argue with your keypad. The truth is, you aren't alone in this. While we might want to have a rethink into modernity by employing the character of logic and the relevance of simplicity to reach a constructive atmosphere, it is okay to type that brainstorming new ideas and gambling your chance of succeeding in your target market gives you goosebumps. Of course, you may look to manage projects with high stakes because you have enough confidence to execute them. Whether these projects become million dollar success stories tomorrow or complete failures that you regret, it’s the act of betting on an idea after a well defined Primary Market Research and watching it develop that makes aspiring entrepreneurs smile. Now you understand the picture right? Let's ride on.

Without feigning ignorance of its design process; I could easily understand part and parcel of what the entrepreneurship journey looks like. Beforehand, I used to think that having and setting up a business with the CEO tagline alongside the sole aim of making money is what entrepreneurship is all about. Yes! I never knew. I never knew it was all about identifying and defining a supposed target audience problem, and providing superior solution to such identified and defined problem that makes one innovative in the entrepreneurial journey. Now the picture is clearer right? But this won't have been possible without me being a fellow of "Innovate for Africa" fellowship program.

With a clear vision of seeing to the development of Africa to be powered by innovation - Innovate for Africa is a program with a mission to create the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in Africa while supporting existing innovators, strengthening the whole innovation ecosystem. It consists of an innovative-driven team who believe that by empowering students with the right skills, confidence, and a supportive network and connecting them with start-ups, both current and aspiring entrepreneurs have a higher probability of succeeding. Our facilitators; a team of Intellectual and respected individuals with such diversity from Harvard School of Education, and Sloan School of Management can't be box to a corner.

Throughout the entire learning process, it was quite evident that the trio of facilitators had the fellows best interest at heart with coherent feedbacks, and had carried out detailed research in respect to the technicalities and logistics expected via the "Innovative Readiness" Program.

Without batting an eyelid, the Innovative Readiness Program was actually the core of the entire design process of the program, and it was virtually where we tirelessly learnt part and parcel of in-demand skills and entrepreneurship for four weeks. Here, flurries of challenging but real-time workshops and sessions were reeled out in torrent, with several guest speakers who in one way or the other helped change and develop my thinking process especially in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship.

While we are of different values and virtues, the first thing I learnt during the training was knowing my business chemistry style - the PI - which was a mix of being a Pioneer and an integrator. This in turn means - I value possibilities, and spark energy and imaginations. I am a creative thinker who thinks big risks can bring great things with being spontaneous, adaptable and outgoing. Of course, I value connection and draws team together. I am empathic, diplomatic and relationship oriented. I also learnt a lot about group culture and it simulation. And the ideal of working collaboratively with other people can't go unembraced and unappreciated.

Some other key things I learnt while riding the boat of innovation include but not limited to;

The Power of Personal Branding

Have you ever tried googling yourself? If yes, who do you see? What do you see? Are you the first person to show up in the search results? Do you show up at all? If yes again, what type of content is emphasized? How many times do you see yourself? Where do you see it? What sources do your name appeared on? If you could give constructive and oriented feedback to those questions - thumb up. But if you are flaring and blurring in yours, then there is an exigent need in restructuring and reinventing your online presence. Please, don't be swayed. I am here with you. This is what personal branding is all about.

Let me quickly type this. In the corporate world, for one to thrive, one needs to understand the art and science of professionalism. And that was virtually what was reeled out as the core of personal branding. Leveraging the digital media to curate an innovation oriented professional profile can't be overemphazised especially in a clime of ours. Something tells me you are nodding your head in affirmative. Of course, that is the truth. The ability to provide constructive answers to the - who, what, where, and how questions - are pointers to your strong online presence.

With this, I outlined my personal mission statement; distinguished myself; planned my transition narrative; and leveraged digital media in promoting myself. Also, I was able to create a better professional porfoluo using the wix platform like this one you are reading on. On point right?

Strategic Analysis

Here, i was able to understood the concept of using systems thinking framework to map out all the systems, processes, and flows internally and externally affecting an organization. With this learning path, I was able to view systems from a broader perspective that includes the seeing of overall structures, patterns, and cycles in systems, rather than seeing only specific events in a system.

Using Jumia as a case study, I was able to learn, unlearn, and understand how major stakeholders interacts through the context of their organisational history; their group composition; and the formal structure of the said organisation. The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analytical method was helpful in determining the internal processes - strengths and weaknesses - of the organisation, while the STEEPLE (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Leagal, and Ethical) method was in turn an importance in diagnosing the external processes - opportunities and threats - part of it.

Through the knowledge gained and the understanding gotten from system thinking, I could easily conduct strategic analysis; define strategy and its roadmap; and implement strategy without breaking the ice. Yes! That is it.

Design Thinking

If I should whisper to you that creativity is a process of creating novel, surprising, and valuable outcomes. Will you agree? What if I say that it is possible to use a wide range of idea creation techniques to brainstorm with divergent thinking. Will you still agree? Of course, that is it. With design thinking, I could utilized experimentation to refine and improve ideas. I could view failure as an opportunity to learn and innovate. That is growth mindset. I could prioritized critical problems and identify root causes. I could also utilize analytical strategies to determine the best medium to research relevant information. And I was opportuned to work collaboratively with some young noble minds with a similar penchant for innovation during the hackathon process.

You are mystified right! Don't get confused. Because of you, I had already written about the context of design thinking using the below links;

Hard Skills

Even my enemies knew this was my favourite part of the innovative experience. I couldn't love this less, but actually grew loving it.

Here, I was in the digital realm dotting the I and crossing the t with the character of self-paced learning championed by the IFA team. As a fellow in the Digital Marketing track, I was privileged to work on a real time project from a USA based startup whose challenge was to refine their go-to marketing strategy with a focus on inbound marketing. This real project requires me to: be a self-learner, be resourceful, be creative, and have grit. This in turn culminated into a project i had to showcase on my portfolio and present on the last day.

Lest I forget, i was provided with an industry expert in the field of Digital Marketing as a mentor, who helped and shaped me in the most practical manner in reaching a better understanding of the onground real project without recourse for discourse. He is the mentor without borders. Smiles.

Walking through the Interview Process

In preparation towards a meet and greet with the IFA startups during matchup day, the IFA team worked the fellows through interview processes such as having the right resumé and being ready for likely interview questions most especially the traditional and behavioural question style. As suggested by them, It is best to always speak at a moderate pace, remain calm and be prepared.

The Guest Speaking Session

The Innovative experience won't be complete without the ever striking guest speakers who graced the synchronous part of the training. These Guest speakers are masters of their own art, sharpening our entrepreneurial mindset towards the development and future of Africa

Forgetting the words of Fehintolu Olaogun of CredPal will be a great disaster. He said as quoted "it is easy writing long letter, but it is more difficult writing a short letter." On hearing that, those words struck a proximate region of my hippocampus. I paused and reflected on it. It was indeed powerful.

Or is it the big madam of Social Lender, Faith Adesemowo? She was explicit and exquisite in her thoughts. Hitting every hurdles with already experience tags. I like that words of her "no one is for everyone." Like seriously! Those words got me thinking for minutes.

Efosa Ojomo, the sustainability and innovation guru. The one who says "Not all enterprise is for profit making, but all enterprise is started with money." I shouted in the silence of voice. What a distinct talk with no barrier.

To a farther extent, I truly admire the character of my growth mindset during the training. I came to realized that I see mistakes and failure as an opportunity to grow. Also, my ability to persevere and think through even in the face of daunting challenge can't be relegated as I learnt a lot during the creation of a prototype in the IFA hackathon. I really admire my ability to work as an effective team integrator and communicator. Being a lover of learning, I will leave you with this words " Learning is tough, but Growth is tougher. " Adeyinka Meduoye, 2021.

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